Over the previous several months, we had gone in for several IUI treatments, but we felt really good about the one in early May. It just seemed fitting that in the midst of lots of life changes (selling our first house and buying another to name a couple) I would get pregnant. Or maybe it was using injectable fertility drugs for the first time. Either way, Daniel and I both had wide smiles and butterflies at TFC that day.
The first trimester was pretty rocky--it included a trip to the emergency room and several follow-up doctor appointments for some very painful cysts (one positive was that we got to see the baby practically once a week via sonogram). In June, I got to sit (read: sleep) on the sidelines while many of the renovations were happening to our new house. There was nausea, which I learned I could keep at bay by eating protein snacks through the day, and overall lack of energy. Oh yeah, and my cravings included four different kinds of milk in one night (regular, chocolate, strawberry, and banana, which Daniel sought out for me on a whim) and my taste for salad became much like it had been as a child: unappetizing. The end of July and early August have felt better in many ways. My running has suddenly become easier again, even though it is hotter now; I had struggled to get my workouts in during early July. Sleeping has been a little tough--I think my body is just preparing itself for night feedings! In just two weeks we get to find out whether it’s a boy or a girl, which will really make it real, huh? So what are we leaving out? Hmm…oh yeah, the baby is due on January 29! We’ll compose a blog to talk about how we revealed the gender in September. For now, here are some pictures to show my progress, now 2 lbs and 2 inches in.
12 Weeks
15 Weeks
17 Weeks