Friday, March 4, 2011

Charlie Sheen vs. a Random Sentence Generator

Random Sentence Generator: "The godlike floors are writing on Jupiter."

Charlie Sheen: "I'm tired of pretending I'm not a total bitchin' rock star from Mars."

RSG: "A sane bowl of soup is loving outside of the faces."

CS: "Basically, they strapped on their diapers."

RSG: "The onions laugh incredibly very far away from the iPhones."

CS: "There's a new sheriff in town and he has an army of assassins."

RSG: "The sexist skirt had been dancing horribly in the Titanic very far away from the lightbulbs."

CS: "It's been a tsunami of media and I've been riding it on a mercury surfboard."

RSG: "The muscular forest will be drinking well in a person's couch on the monks."

CS: "Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."

RSG: "The bombs were driving outside of the banana."

CS: "I don't have burnout in my gear box."

RSG: "A glove wants to attack on top of the rock band."

CS: "They picked a fight with a warlock."

RSG: "The truly, truly nice-looking CDs want to fall normally in space."

CS: "I'm just going to sail across the winds of the universe with my goddesses."

RSG: "The wall is communicating in Hogwarts while communicating very close to the disco singers."

CS: "Clearly, I have defeated this earthworm with my words. Imagine what I would have done with my fire-breathing fists."

RSG: "A monkey will be standing."

CS: "I will deploy my ordinance to the ground."

RSG: "Popeye is exploding beside Starbucks."

CS: "It's a turd that opens on a tugboat."

RSG: "The peculiar terrorists were singing somewhat far away from the criminal."

CS: "I'm dealing with soft targets, and it's just strafing runs in my underwear before my first cup of coffee."

RSG: "The dictionaries want to eat well inside of the thieves."

CS: "Resentments are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my saber."

Conclusion: Charlie Sheen is more likely to speak in the first person.